poor people have more children, on average. How long has this been true?


Did medieval peasants have more children on average than royalty? Or is this a modern phenomenon?

In: 71

62 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Welfare payments in the US often rose with the addition of more kids so in a way the compassionate liberals created more poor children.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I wanna live like Common People. I wanna do what Common People do,,,well, there’s nothing else to do; but, fight and drink and screw.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some of the responses below discuss the necessity of labor in farming communities, and that is true. As are responses regarding adult children taking care of parents. But I would assume OP is thinking about things from a contemporary, developed economy where farm labor and cohabitation is less of an issue. This article shares some anecdotes: [https://www.columbiatribune.com/story/lifestyle/around-town/2009/04/03/sociology-professor-delves-into-why/21552106007/](https://www.columbiatribune.com/story/lifestyle/around-town/2009/04/03/sociology-professor-delves-into-why/21552106007/). But some reasons include a lack of career growth to find meaning in one’s life, lack of access to contraception, and lack of education

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some of the responses below discuss the necessity of labor in farming communities, and that is true. As are responses regarding adult children taking care of parents. But I would assume OP is thinking about things from a contemporary, developed economy where farm labor and cohabitation is less of an issue. This article shares some anecdotes: [https://www.columbiatribune.com/story/lifestyle/around-town/2009/04/03/sociology-professor-delves-into-why/21552106007/](https://www.columbiatribune.com/story/lifestyle/around-town/2009/04/03/sociology-professor-delves-into-why/21552106007/). But some reasons include a lack of career growth to find meaning in one’s life, lack of access to contraception, and lack of education

Anonymous 0 Comments

I wanna live like Common People. I wanna do what Common People do,,,well, there’s nothing else to do; but, fight and drink and screw.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Welfare payments in the US often rose with the addition of more kids so in a way the compassionate liberals created more poor children.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Distribution is likely bimodal and geography dependent. Emperors had concubines and those kids weren’t in line to the throne so the Emperor could go wild with it. European kings couldn’t have a bunch of bastards running around so they didn’t have as many official children. This changed with the end of imperial rule. I think Xi Jinping has 1 daughter an no known mistresses.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some of the responses below discuss the necessity of labor in farming communities, and that is true. As are responses regarding adult children taking care of parents. But I would assume OP is thinking about things from a contemporary, developed economy where farm labor and cohabitation is less of an issue. This article shares some anecdotes: [https://www.columbiatribune.com/story/lifestyle/around-town/2009/04/03/sociology-professor-delves-into-why/21552106007/](https://www.columbiatribune.com/story/lifestyle/around-town/2009/04/03/sociology-professor-delves-into-why/21552106007/). But some reasons include a lack of career growth to find meaning in one’s life, lack of access to contraception, and lack of education

Anonymous 0 Comments

Distribution is likely bimodal and geography dependent. Emperors had concubines and those kids weren’t in line to the throne so the Emperor could go wild with it. European kings couldn’t have a bunch of bastards running around so they didn’t have as many official children. This changed with the end of imperial rule. I think Xi Jinping has 1 daughter an no known mistresses.

Anonymous 0 Comments

CPS Florida agent here –

The trends that we observe are usually that those on the lower socioeconomic strata don’t have ready access to contraceptives or abortion procedures, but boy do they like to engage in coitus.

Children cost you more than you can make off of them, here. The age of the “welfare queen” ended with Reagan. That is a common misconception. Our poor families with lots of kids are made poorer.

Along with poverty, there are inescapable cofactors such as mental illness and drug use. Not EVERYONE, mind you. I’ve met some hardworking, salt-of-the-earth working poor that deserve what I have more than I do, but numbers are numbers. The mentally unbalanced and drug users like to feel good. Sex feels good.

Also, there are instances where a poor female will have the child of a man they hope will be their partner and help pull them out of poverty. This is hit or miss…usually miss.

The children are rarely planned for.