Pre-modernism, modernism, postmodernism and metamodernism


Pre-modernism, modernism, postmodernism and metamodernism

In: 13

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pre modernism – A medieval king has a portrait of himself painted, wearing a ceremonial hat which was common at the time

Modernism – The current monarchs wear ceremonial crowns made of gold and jewels and they always wear them in media

Postmodernism – A movie comes out about the original king, he wears a golden crown with jewels because that is what people associate with Kings wearing these days

Metamodernism – Movies start popping up messing with the trope of Kings wearing crowns, showing the king of the underworld wearing a crown made of bones or skulls

This is an ELI5 example about the use of crowns across media but this can be a very complicated subject as other comments point out

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