Query about Myopia


How does axial length increase in myopia? Do regular glasses cause an increase in axial length & myopia? Also, how do contacts like MiSight aim to control myopia? Thanks!

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2 Answers

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In order to see clearly, our eyes need to focus incoming light onto our retina. Light from different sources needs to be bent differently in order to focus. Light from nearby objects needs to be bent more than light from distant objects.

We can control how much we bend the light by stretching or relaxing a structure in the eye called the lens. However, we can only stretch or relax it so much, leading to a range of distances that we can focus on.

The longer the axial length, the less the light needs to be bent in order to come into focus. This decreased bending requirement means that it is easier to focus on nearby objects, but harder to focus on far away objects, hence myopia

Glasses and contacts primarily act to prebend the light. The glasses bend the incoming light out so that the eye needs to bend that light inward more, allowing people with myopia to focus things that are far away. Glasses for people with hyperopia bend light the other way, letting them focus things that are nearby.

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