Refrigerate after opening, but not before?


Had a conversation with my wife today about the unopened mayo we had sitting in the pantry and it made me think – how does it make sense for a food (for instance mayo) to sit in a 65-70 degree pantry for months and be perfectly fine, but as soon as it’s opened it needs to be refrigerated. In my mind, if something needs to be refrigerated at any point, wouldn’t it always need to be refrigerated? The seal on the unopened product keeps the item safe, and the refrigerator does that when the seal is off? How do those two things relate?

In: 1789

21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Thank you for all of the replies, the whole idea makes so much more sense now that I know about the sterilization process! What confused me was the sealing process, I assumed that bacteria was already in the product, when in actuality (taking from comments) the bacteria is killed off, ‘sterilizing’ the product and keeping it safe until the seal is removed!

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