Reverse Engineering


Seriously can someone teach me how to explain this term?/subject during a family gathering the more i try to explain the more complex it becomes! thank you everyone!

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39 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So, say you want to build a “thing”. Normal engineering process is you start with an idea, turn that idea into an actual design, figure out how to manufacture it, what to make it out of, etc. Depending on the complexity of the “thing”, this can be a lot of work. Sometimes just figuring out *how* to make a “thing” can be the hardest part even if you already know the theory of how it works.

Reverse engineering, you already have an example of the “thing”. Somebody else made it. What you’re doing is taking it apart and studying it to see how to recreate it.

And again, depending on the complexity of the “thing”, this can a fairly simple or extremely complex process.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is basically copying and learning how to do something through copying. (ELI5)

Reverse engineering is, generally, a bit more sophisticated than simple counterfeiting – ie making an identical or very similar copy of a product and passing it off as your own.

It implies taking apart someone else’s product and trying to understand the basic methods and principles of how that product works. This knowledge can be used to improve your own product or design techniques.

Reverse engineering can be used more strictly to technology or technology related parts but it is generally used in a more broad form.

Anonymous 0 Comments

See thing with technology you want to use

Study how thing currently using technology works

Build your own thing utilizing the technology based on observations

Anonymous 0 Comments

So, say you want to build a “thing”. Normal engineering process is you start with an idea, turn that idea into an actual design, figure out how to manufacture it, what to make it out of, etc. Depending on the complexity of the “thing”, this can be a lot of work. Sometimes just figuring out *how* to make a “thing” can be the hardest part even if you already know the theory of how it works.

Reverse engineering, you already have an example of the “thing”. Somebody else made it. What you’re doing is taking it apart and studying it to see how to recreate it.

And again, depending on the complexity of the “thing”, this can a fairly simple or extremely complex process.

Anonymous 0 Comments

So, say you want to build a “thing”. Normal engineering process is you start with an idea, turn that idea into an actual design, figure out how to manufacture it, what to make it out of, etc. Depending on the complexity of the “thing”, this can be a lot of work. Sometimes just figuring out *how* to make a “thing” can be the hardest part even if you already know the theory of how it works.

Reverse engineering, you already have an example of the “thing”. Somebody else made it. What you’re doing is taking it apart and studying it to see how to recreate it.

And again, depending on the complexity of the “thing”, this can a fairly simple or extremely complex process.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hey everyone here can you guys also can you explain to me what Reverse Social engineering is ?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hey everyone here can you guys also can you explain to me what Reverse Social engineering is ?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically, you disassemble something to see how it works and understand how it was designed and built. You can the adjust, adapt, etc. the learnings to your particular design.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically, you disassemble something to see how it works and understand how it was designed and built. You can the adjust, adapt, etc. the learnings to your particular design.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically, you disassemble something to see how it works and understand how it was designed and built. You can the adjust, adapt, etc. the learnings to your particular design.