Saline nose spray


The ears nose and throat doctor tells me to saline my nose to keep things moist. However it makes me feel like my nose is more dry the more I do it. Then the thought occurred to me, if I lick my lips when they are dry, it makes them drier. So how is saline in the nose any different?

How does saline moisturize they mucosal membranes?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The skin on your lips has oils in them in addition to water to make them moist. Additionally, saliva isn’t saline. Saliva removes the oils, but saline does not, at least not to the same degree.

Additionally, your nasal passages do not have oils in them, and in fact, the liquid that keeps them moist is mostly saline. Saliva is mostly water with some additions to help with digestion and contains almost none of the salt that saline does.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Saline is just water that’s been adjusted to the body’s pH and salt levels. It’s your body’s form of hydration.