should cleaning products be applied directly to the dirty surface, or to the cleaning impliment?


Like windex and a towel for example. Mostly I spray it on the window, but does it work better if you spray it on the towel? Same thing for dish soap, should you put it on each dish, or will applying to the sponge be enough?

In: Chemistry

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Shouldn’t make any real difference. Best advice is to do whatever it says on the label. If it doesn’t say anything, good bet it doesn’t matter.

I suppose if the product is meant to soak in, you’d want to apply it directly.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s better to spray the cleanser upon the surface to be cleaned.

The cleaning implement is absorbent. So applying cleanser unto it does not guarantee that all the applied cleanser will touch the surface to be cleaned. That amount of cleanser will be wasted.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most cleaning products are surfactants.

This means they clean by sitting on the surface.

So apply Windex to the glass, not the rag.

Also, some cleaning supplies need to be added to water… dish soap for example.

This increases the area that can be cleaned by the surfactant.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Direct if you want maximum cleaning power.

For times when you would not use direct application, and instead apply it to a sponge or rag: when cleaning sensitive areas or using particularly strong chemicals that can damage certain surfaces.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The simple answer is, most cleaners are designed to be sprayed directly on the surface.

However, it really it depends on the surface, if you’re getting a small area, the spraying the cleaning implement then wiping can be preferred to save cleaner, however if you’re doing a wide area, spraying directly on the surface is more efficient and effective.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Let’s say a horse died in your living room, should you spray soap on it and scrub it? When I was a carpet cleaner my boss used this analogy to teach us to vacuum and “remove the horse” from the carpet before introducing any new elements. once a majority of the dirt’s out then we could get to work on stains.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is a new kind of Dawn soap developed for how people wash dishes that’s in a spray bottle. My understanding is it’s meant to spray on the dish. People were dripping the liquid soap on the dish and most of it went down the drain.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Former professional window cleaner here: best way to clean a window is with dish soap (regular stuff not fancy stuff with smells and vitamins) and water, and a squeegee.

If you use something like Windex it’s better to apply it to paper towel rather than on the window directly so you’re not breathing in the aerosols.