Shouldn’t there be a *lot* of anti-matter out there?


As I understand it (thank you, recent post), anti-matter and matter are literally identical besides the reversed charges. If that’s the case, shouldn’t there be a more-or-less equal amount of the stuff created through the big bang, as opposed to the teeny tiny amounts we typically find?

If not, why not, and if so, where the hell is it all?

Edit: TLDR, yes there should be, nobody really knows why there isn’t. Thank you!

In: 5

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

See, we simply dont know.

For a long time we didn‘t know about antimatter. Eventually someone showed it should exist. At some point it was hypothesized that if you create a particle, an anti-particle must be formed.

Showing that such a particle has formed is really difficult, so for a long time the hypothesis was just that, a thesis. But eventually we did prove it to be correct.

And now here we are. We know particles form as a particle and an according anti-particle. Therefore the universe should be 50% antimatter, but it seems to not be the case. And we simply don‘t know why.

There are two major theories I am aware of:
– there might be a massive amount of antimatter far away, having secluded itself. This would probably be outside of the visible universe, so we would never know
– the creation of particles isnt always matter and antimatter, but rather forming matter without antimatter is favored

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