Simple (?) question about black holes


If I go to the event horizon, I get spaghettified right? How does that not mean I am being spaghettified (ever so slightly) right now?

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6 Answers

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The spaghettification is not from the event horizon, but from one part of you being closer to the black hole than the rest of you, and the part that’s closer feels the gravity more strongly. And yes this effect happens to you from the earth, it’s just too small to be noticeable.

But what’s more noticeable is that this effect in relation to the moon(and to a lesser extent the sun) is what causes the tides.

Back to black holes, the strength of the effect is based on the difference in distance in relation to the total distance, so at the event horizon the effect will be stronger for a small black hole than for a big one.

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