I’ve read and heard contradicting information regarding opium and heroin. I don’t understand, where is this drug coming from? I had a life-long friend found dead in alley in Vancouver BC due to an apparent overdose. I’ve never used. I read that opiates may be coming from Afghanistan or from Mexico(primarily). My research doesn’t come up with much; what am I missing? These substances have a genetic imprint, where are they from?
In: Biology
Based on your comments you are asking where the poppy plants that will eventually be processed into heroin are grown.
If that is correct then Afghanistan is your answer.
[Afghanistan is the world capital of opium; estimates peg its share of the global opium production at between 75 and 85 percent, with an estimate of nearly 500,000 acres (200,000 ha) under cultivation as of 2016.](https://www.unodc.org/wdr2016/en/opiates.html)
[Also here is an interesting history of Opium that gives more information, note this is coming from the DEA.](https://www.deamuseum.org/ccp/opium/history.html)
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