Since protons and electrons are oppositely charged, what prevents them from attracting to each other and just sticking together?


Since protons and electrons are oppositely charged, what prevents them from attracting to each other and just sticking together?

In: 4

4 Answers

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An electron and a proton getting stuck together is called a “hydrogen atom”.

As others have mentioned, quantum mechanics puts a limit on how tightly they can get stuck, because there’s a single lowest-energy state, the ground state, or what a chemist would call the 1s state.

The answer to why there’s a lowest-energy state is less ELI5, but: electrons obey the Schrödinger equation. If you plug into the Schrödinger equation the force on the electron due to attraction by a proton and solve it, the solutions are a set of functions called the [spherical harmonics](, and out of that set of functions there’s one which has the lowest energy, so that’s the ground state.

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