Siphon’s principle, how does it work



I saw that video and it intrigues me, so I try to replicate it with straws but it didn’t work

Can someone explain how does this work and why my mini replicate didn’t work

In: Physics

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The principle is that water wants to move downhill. With a sealed pipe (apart from the ends) the water in each side wants to flow down, but of course it can’t unless something takes its place. What happens is that water in the taller leg flows downwards, and pulls water up the shorter leg.

So long as the exit is below the surface of the water on the upper side it will continue to flow.

You may have had small holes where air could get in and break the seal. If using multiple straws you probably need to tape the joins.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In a vertical column of water, the pressure must increase due to gravity as you go downward. If the bottom of the column is open and fixed to atmospheric pressure, then the top of the column will be at a lower pressure. If you have two open-bottomed columns connected at the top, then whichever one has a lower bottom will pull more and suck water in from the end/column with a higher bottom.

I have managed to replicate this with straws, but it was difficult. Without knowing your setup, it’s hard to say what the issue was. Was the ‘output’ end of the straw physically lower down than the input end? Were several straws chained together?