So there are big galaxies floating around in the vast of space, but what’s between them? Stars? Rogue planets? Nothing?


So there are big galaxies floating around in the vast of space, but what’s between them? Stars? Rogue planets? Nothing?

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

nothing is a strong word, a lot stronger then people understand.

i think that the correct term would be using the word density. there are things, asteroids, rocks, dust, some gas clouds, stellar winds (basically radiation going around), just in much less density.

And take in to account space is expanding so the density is decreasing in a inverse relation to the expansion of space between objects and structures. let it be star systems or galaxies.

So is there nothing ? no, but its pretty close to nothing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

What’s between them? Dark Matter. Stars. Rogue Planets. Plasma jets. Globular Clusters. Individual atoms and particles.

However, it’s pretty much empty.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Very dispersed gas, dust, and the occasional wandering stars and rogue planets – though I’m not sure you can call it a planet if it’s not orbiting a star.

At the distance away we’re talking about individual stars are virtually undetectable unless you happen to have access to the Hubble Space Telescope, or maybe some of the larger observatories when conditions are really really good. They’re also sufficiently rare that even with these you have to really be looking for them.

For an idea of intergalactic stellar visibility with the naked eye – the Andromeda galaxy is the closest galaxy. If we could see the actual stars from earth it would show up [several times the size of the moon]( but all we can detect with our eyes is the galactic core and it just looks like a single fairly bright star.

Anonymous 0 Comments

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