So why can’t we just harness the power from lightning?


Lightning appears to be this limitless supply of energy, so why isn’t this being considered as a valid source of our future energy needs. Surely we could have some sort of lightning rod connected to a huge array of batteries to store all of this electricity. I’m sure there is a simple explanation, but I’m interested to hear what it is.

In: 1090

32 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Several problems:

* Electric power can’t be stored on that level. It’s more power than we can store, and we need to store it in a very, very short time span.

* It’s unpredictable. Power sources needs to be reliable.

* Even with lightning rods, actually capturing a lightning strike is fickle at best. You’d need a shitload of lightning rods.

* The amount of power involved is immense, which requires every single lightning rod, and the equipment attached to it, to be dimensioned like a blue whale.

* It wouldn’t deliver a clean, interference free power. Expect electronics on the power grid to pop like popcorn all the time.

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