In the 90s, and up until cell phone cameras were a big thing, I remember some family members having cameras with rather large flash modules on top and it would make a weird noise once the flash goes off after taking a picture. Some smaller flash capable cameras would make the sound also.
In: Technology
Imagine your camera running off a small stream of water. The flash needs a lot of water at once but your small camera battery can only make the small stream. Inside of your camera is a little circuit that can pump the stream water into a barrel. Once the barrel is sufficiently full you push it over releasing a large amount of water all at once that makes the light flash.
When using this mechanism there are lots of things that can produce sounds. There is the pump that makes a high pitched whirring noise, some lingering static water (electricity) and all parts that rapidly expand from the heat of the flash and then cool again. All together make a buch of weird sounds.
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