Space is constantly expanding and accelerating


I believe I understand that space is constantly expanding “outward” in all directions and this is likely due to an event such as the Big Bang. Can someone explain what space is expanding *into* and how exactly the “space between stuff is also expanding” in the sense that A and B are getting further apart but the space between A and B is also expanding.

Is that simply a function of two objects distancing themselves therefore the space must be getting larger, or is the space actually expanding in between two objects regardless of either object being on either side?

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

>Can someone explain what space is expanding into

The question has no meaning. The universe contains everything that exists, so either “outside the universe” doesn’t exist, or it exists and is therefore then…contained within the universe.

>how exactly the “space between stuff is also expanding” in the sense that A and B are getting further apart but the space between A and B is also expanding

Whoever can answer “how exactly” has a Nobel Prize waiting for them.

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