– Spoons Metaphor


I often see people online refer to themselves as “spoonies” or as “not having enough spoons”, and I have no idea what this means. Can someone explain??

In: 25

9 Answers

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Funnily enough, the spoons metaphor is basically already an ELI5 on how people with a disability don’t have the energy to do everything that an able-bodied person might be able to in the same time period.

It originated as an explanation between friends. Imagine you start the day with 20 spoons. Taking a shower might take 3 spoons. Making breakfast might take 2. Taking the bus somewhere could take 8. Working for 6 hours might take 15. Once you’re out of spoons, doing anything further becomes increasingly hard and if you can do it at all it’ll be taken out of your spoons for the next day, likely with interest.

Another way to think about it is Dungeons and Dragons’ Spell Slots, especially for a class like the Sorcerer where you can designate their usage on the fly. You might have one high level spell to use per day that normally goes towards work or something, but if there’s enough demands for your lower level spell slots, you may have to put a lower level spell into that higher level slot, leaving you without the ability to get something more significant done.

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