Stephans Quintet


This is more for my girlfriend than myself.

I’m trying to explain to her how the image of Stephans Quintet that the James Webb Telescope recently took, is what those galaxies looked 300 million years ago, as they are 300 million light years away.

I’m having a lot of trouble wording it in a way she can understand. She has never really researched astronomy like I have, and she doesn’t understand why I’m so excited about these images.

I’m hoping you guys could help!

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Say you take a picture today, but that picture takes one million years to develop because the picture (the light) isn’t there yet. In one million years, the picture will be fully formed and you can look at it clearly, but it will be a picture of something from *a million years ago*.

Now imagine instead of a million years, it’s a picture from a billion years, or more, and took that many years to develop so you can actually see it.

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