Stephans Quintet


This is more for my girlfriend than myself.

I’m trying to explain to her how the image of Stephans Quintet that the James Webb Telescope recently took, is what those galaxies looked 300 million years ago, as they are 300 million light years away.

I’m having a lot of trouble wording it in a way she can understand. She has never really researched astronomy like I have, and she doesn’t understand why I’m so excited about these images.

I’m hoping you guys could help!

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You watch fireworks? You know how the boom is delayed because sound is way lower than light? It’s like that. The sound is a second or two old by the time it reaches you. With really big distances, light works that way too. If the sun explodes, we would see it until a little over 8 minutes later, so when we see the sun, it’s what the sun looked like 8 minutes ago. Further away, the longer it took the light to reach us.

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