Storm Surge


I live in a hurricane evacuation zone. My zone is Zone B: 14 feet “Potential Surge Inundation”

Does that mean the storm surge will be 14 ft higher than sea level?

I don’t understand.

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

As mentioned, it is the wind pushing the sea toward the land, but a big part of it is the low atmospheric pressure. Low pressure literally means the column of air from the surface up weighs less, so it is not pushing down on the sea with the same force, which literally allows the sea to be higher than normal.

A big variable is whether the storm hits at high or low tide. If it hits at low tide, it is bad, but not as bad. If it hits at high tide, it can be epically bad if you are in a location with a normally big tidal range.

If you are in the track of a large hurricane, it is always best to get out of the flood risk zone as early as possible.

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