sun position by hemisphere


For example, in the northern hemisphere, the sun reaches its maximum altitude at 180°S. Likewise, the sun reaches its minimum height during the night at 0°N. In the southern hemisphere, it’s flipped, with the sun reaching its maximum altitude at 0°N and reaching its minimum altitude at 180°S during the night. What’s the cause for this flip?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The directions are approximate and not exact. The shift a bit during the year the []( is a plot of this.

It also just applies for all of the year for areas closer to a pole than the tropics. Between the tropic, the sun higher point can both be directly north, directly south, and directly above you depending on the time of year.

The tropics the area where the sun can be directly you. It extends proximally 23.5 degrees north and south of the equator.

The flip happens when you pass the point where the sun is directly above you at its higher point. It is just like if you start looking directly south at a streetlight and then walk below it. When you are on the other side of the street light you need to look directly north to see it. When you directly blow it it is straight up

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