Switch, Hub and Router


Can someone explain me the difference between those three devices?

In: 1512

35 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’re staying in a high-rise hotel, and you want to send some mail.

You take your letter to the concierge and tell them ‘send this to my brother. Here’s the last address I had for him.’

The concierge looks at the address – strangely, its here in the hotel. So he ROUTES it to the guest services person on the appropriate floor. The guest services person has a quick flash card of the name of everyone staying on the floor and what room they’re in. they SWITCH over to that room and knock on the door to deliver the letter, and then leave, not knowing what’s going on just inside.

In reality, your brother’s room is a party HUB – 20 people all living in the same room, communinally using the same resources. the door is too tight for them all to leave at the same time, so they have to take turns.

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