Switch, Hub and Router


Can someone explain me the difference between those three devices?

In: 1512

35 Answers

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an example of when you need to know the differences when setting up a home network: modem brings internet into the house. I want to split the internet and send a hard wire to my nearby entertainment system with TV, xbox, roku whatever, but i also need to send the internet to my wifi router thats on the other side of the house. I could plug in a switch after the modem, send one cat5 to the wifi and send another cable the entertainment system, plug in a hub and connect all the devices. great everything has internet, problem is I no longer can broadcast from my phone to the TV, the entertainment system and wireless are on different networks.
Now take the same setup but swap the switch coming out the modem to a router, bam, set the wifi router to AP mode and everything talks to each other and works.

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