Switch, Hub and Router


Can someone explain me the difference between those three devices?

In: 1512

35 Answers

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Imagine you’re in a room full of people, all chatting away with eachother. There’s someone specific with whom you want to have a conversation.

**Hub**: gets everyone in the room to take turns talking so when it’s your turn you can talk to the person in the corner without being interrupted. Everyone else has to wait for their turn. Sometimes two people try to talk an once so it’s a little more noisy and awkward but it can work to have a conversation.

**Switch**: gets some sets of tin cans on string and quickly _switches_ them around between people so you and the guy in the corner can have a private conversation without worrying about the other people talking.

**Router**: is a person standing in the doorway. You only talk to them if you need someone who’s in another room. They’ve got the number in their contacts for the person you want and they call them up then hand you the phone while you stay in your room.

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