Switch, Hub and Router


Can someone explain me the difference between those three devices?

In: 1512

35 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

**Hub:** You walk into a hotel lobby and yell “Hey Bob!” Everyone hears you, but only Bob answers by yelling back so everyone can hear. You then have a yelling conversation while everyone else tries to tune you out. If you yell too loud and too often, other people can’t really hear their own conversations.

**Switch:** You’re in a hotel room and pick up the phone and dial Bob’s room number. You and Bob then have a conversation but no one else in the hotel can hear you even though they’re all in the same hotel and use the same phone system.

**Router:** You call the front desk at The Marriott Hotel and say you’d like to be connected to Bob in The Overlook Hotel. The front desk employee dials up the Overlook Hotel, asks for Bob, then both hotel lobby employees set up a direct connection through each of their switchboards.

[Edit] Formatting

[Edit₂] Silver? And Gold? For me? Thanks! I would like to dedicate these awards to the fine staff at The Marriott and Overlook Hotels…

[Edit₃] Double Gold? I’m not worthy!

[Edit₄] Platinum? Holy crap – I didn’t even know that was a thing! Thank you for all the awards and updoots. I’m going to take my winnings and go have a drink in The Gold Room.

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