Switch, Hub and Router


Can someone explain me the difference between those three devices?

In: 1512

35 Answers

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You ever get one of those mailers that has no address on it, the postman just delivers one to every house? That’s now a hub works. It just delivers it to everything connected to it and assumes someone out there is interested.

A switch is more like when the postman on your route delivers something addressed to you to your mailbox. He looked at the address and knew it was to you so he only delivered it to you.

A router is the post office. It doesn’t necessarily care precisely where the address is, it just cares about where the next stop is. So if you’re mailing a letter out to some address in Beverly Hills, it doesn’t need to know where the precise street is, it just needs to know where to send it next to get it to that post office, knowing that post office will know what to do with it. If you’re receiving a letter, it knows that it needs to get to your specific mail carrier’s route, and it knows the carrier will know what to do with it.

Sometimes these things are combined. A router/switch combo would be kinda like delivering to you if your mailbox was a PO Box at the post office.

This is a gross oversimplification and definitely doesn’t cover all the ways you can connect these things together, but I’m trying to keep it as ELI5 as possible.

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