Tell me what “icing” is in hockey and truly, explain it like I’m 5



In: 1766

36 Answers

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Ball goes too far across field without being touched by attacking team.

Easiest definition of icing there is.

More detailed.

Hockey is a game of important lines. The blue lines tell you whos zone it is. If the blue teams goalie is net the blue line he is closest too shows you his zone. The red line at center ice is 1/2 the rink.

If a blue player sends the puck across the red teams blue line while behind the center ice line and the puck touches no red player on the way. The puck must cross the goal line to be considered icing. The goal line runs along the net board to board.

The lines are what is important.

Way back in the day the rules stated that the blue team must touch the puck before the red team for it to be an icing. This rule was changed because players skating at a thousand miles and hour into the boards was causing carrier ending injuries. The rule is

If the puck is shot from outside the red line – called gaining the line – crosses the goal line and a red player is first to the face off dots it is whistled icing. It is a hard rule to break down because there are a bunch of sub rules but i tried.

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