That does smart home bulbs or devices consume power after then turned of smartly


I was watching a video about smart home setup when I realised that even if I switch off the device from my phone, it will still consume the power then whats the benefit besides you dont have to getbup from your couch to do it manually. Am I right or IoT things work differently.

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11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Water analogies work really well for understanding power usage.

A light bulb is like a water hose in terms of electrical usage. Lots of gallons per minute are flowing into that bulb to keep it lit.

The part of the smart bulb that is controlling it is more like a tiny tube the size of a human hair. A minuscule amount of water is needed to keep it going, but it does take water.

The bulb in its off state might take 15 years or longer to consume as much energy as the bulb in its on state consumes. So if it means the bulb is off for even an extra minute, it “pays” for months of those smart parts being in the bulb.

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