The breakup of Yugoslavia


The breakup of Yugoslavia

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You didn’t actually ask a question.

Did you try looking on Wikipedia? It has comprehensive information written in layperson terms. [](

Anonymous 0 Comments

You probably want to watch [this]( video if you’re trying to learn about the breakup of Yugoslavia.

You aren’t meant to post one-sentence answers on this sub, so this is sort of filler. You didn’t actually ask a specific question, but WonderWhy’s video should give you all the info you want.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yugoslavia was a forced union of ethnicities that passionately hated eachother.
Tito kept it together because of his non nationalistic ways and good economy (both west and ussr investing).
After Tito’s death, Miloševic comes to power through fueling Serb nationalism. He continued to do so after comming to power, pissing off the other ethnicities. This all lead up to the Yugoslav wars and the many atrocities commited there. I wouldn’t blame Milosevic for the dismantling of Yugoslavia, as that was its destiny since the beginning. I would blame him for the genocides commited in the war thugh