The cholesterol – atherosclerosis – consumption of meat and fat debate


One camp claims that fat, butter, meats don’t give you high cholesterol and atherosclerosis, and another camp – more traditional medicine tells you to limit your cholesterol intake especially if you have CAD. One thing both camps seem to agree on is that pickling your liver with alcohol and eating a lot of sugary foods will cause harm. Why the debate? I err on the side of caution and eat a low fat diet, don’t drink alcohol, and am cautious with sugary foods as I have mild CAD. Whom do I believe?

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15 Answers

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You should probably believe the scientists. Fatty* foods contain the chemical precursors you need to make hormones, connective tissue, and nerve cells. They also cause a hormone reaction that makes you feel full.

Sugar has no nutritional value and gets converted to body fat and cholesterol if you eat too much of it.

*this only applies to natural fatty foods. Beef, butter, pork, avacado, etc… not seed or vegetable oils made in a factory.

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