the deal with skin on skin contact after birth?


What and how does it help with?

In: 191

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is a whole lot of very interesting information on the UNICEF site,to%20life%20outside%20the%20womb

It helps both babies andmothers. It:

* calms and relaxes both mother and baby
* regulates the baby’s heart rate and breathing, helping them to better adapt to life outside the womb
* stimulates digestion and an interest in feeding
* regulates temperature
* enables colonisation of the baby’s skin with the mother’s friendly bacteria, thus providing protection against infection
* stimulates the release of hormones to support breastfeeding and mothering.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are some things that skin on skin contact aides in but these are also things that will occur naturally already without skin on skin contact. Sharing of bacteria, adapting to cold, etc. all things that are gonna happen anyways.

Skin on skin is more about “feeling close” to the baby and emotional well-being. There is some science in that it promotes oxytocin which helps stop/control post birth bleeding and encourages breastfeeding mechanisms…. but a lot of the more general claims are things that’ll happen with or without.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Also, what psychopath initiated charging for it?

Anonymous 0 Comments

When my wife gave birth to our daughter she needed some aftercare, and the midwife handed our daughter to me. I spent a couple of the best hours of my life, slouched in a hospital chair, with this grotty, bloody, sticky, mucusy gremlin lying on my chest under my shirt. It was meant to be really good for her, it was amazing for me!

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s also helps stimulate growth for the baby. My baby was preemie I kept him on me as much as possible.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Directly after birth? It keeps the baby warm and breastfeeding stimulates the release of oxytocin which helps stop the mother’s contractions and further bleeding.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I thought that came before?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Don’t know the official studies of why, but in my personal experience, my boy was having trouble breathing. They were giving him oxygen, but the meter thing was still REALLY low. They gave him to me, and went to get another machine, they thought the first one might not have been reading properly.

When they put it on, while he was with me, his oxygen was normal. So then they took him, because they still hadn’t done whatever they do when they check babies over at the incubator thing.

But as soon as he got over there, his oxygen dropped very low again. Now they were like, well both these oxygen things can’t be on the fritz!

They gave him back to me, and once again his breathing was normal. Now they just left him alone for a while. So, it did help in a very serious situation. Crazy.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I adopted a three day old girl child–when she arrived i disrobed–undress baby– sat in large roc king chair this baby wrapped blanket –on my chestiiI rockeda nd sang soft sweet songs all day-yes we shower and ate–but back to to the chair for baby for nap against my bare chest,She is 53 years and the bonding was very successful.