The difference between a language and a dialect


The difference between a language and a dialect

In: Other

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Dialects use the same basic language just with words only used in the particular region, meaning that people speaking different dialects of the same language can normally make themselves understood by people who speak a different dialect.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A language is a dialect that has been designated the objective standard. The reasons why one dialect is chosen over another are mostly political.

Modern standard French is based on the medieval Parisian dialect of the langues d’oïl and it became the standard because Paris was the main seat of the French kings after the election of Hugh Capet.

Modern standard Italian derives from the medieval Tuscan dialect and that was chosen because it was what Dante and Boccaccio wrote in.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A language is using words to convey an idea. A dialect is using specific words in a given language to convey ideas, like “bubbler” for water fountain.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A language is a dialect with a flag and an army.

However the line can get pretty blurry at times. The general understanding is that a “language” is a dialect of a different language if it for the most part has the same words and structure, and can be understood by the speakers of the larger language. Two different languages would be significantly structurally different, and speakers of the languages would struggle understanding each other.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A language is a dialect with a big army.

Basically everybody has a dialect and an accent. The most popular and influential one though is basically seen as the default (such as midwestern american english) and every other is seen as a dialect.

the distinction between whether two variations of speech are two different dialects or two different languages is also kind of fuzzy. Usually the criteria is mutual intelligibility but there are cases when speakers of what are considered different dialects of the same language cannot understand each other (try understanding this: