The difference between mass, density and weight please.


The difference between mass, density and weight please.

In: 11

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mass is a measure of how much “stuff” something has.

Weight is a measure of how much *force* gravity is exerting on the “stuff”.

If you got on a rocket and flew to the moon, your *mass* wouldn’t change; you’re still made up of the same amount of stuff. But your *weight* would decrease, because gravity on the mood is weaker than it is on the earth.

Density is a measure of how much “stuff” something has compared to it’s volume. If we blow up a balloon, the amount of “stuff” that makes up the balloon doesn’t change, but the *volume of space* that stuff occupies changes. Objects with low density have a big physical size, but not as much “stuff” and objects with higher density.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mass = density/volume

Density = mass/volume

Weight = mass x gravity

Not exactly eli5 but just think about these equations for a minute and it’ll click

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mass: how much stuff there is.
Density: how tightly packed that stuff is.
Weight: force exerted by that stuff due to gravity.