Growing up I was told by my parents that I “enjoy” negative reinforcement. Stuff like you don’t learn unless we take away stuff from you or berate you to do something. But now that I’m older, it doesn’t seen like it matches the traditional definition and it was more negative punishment. Having the concept simplified would help a lot.
In: Other
Your parents were abusive holms. I’m sorry. It doesn’t make sense because abuse is always benal. The only thing your parents were teaching you was to stay away from them.
Positive reinforcement means giving the dog a treat when he does the right trick and negative reinforcement is when you shock the dog for not doing the right trick.
In this instance your parents were abusing you so you would act out thus justifying the initial abuse and entitling them to elicit further abuse in retaliation for your lashing out.
Punishment is about satisfying the emotional wounds of the offended. It is not rehabilitation nor restoration of the offended’s grievances and does nothing of value beyond it’s exclusive purpose, to extinguish the emotional distress of one individual by inflicting physical distress upon another.
Discipline is the imparting of values and when exercised within an equitable and logically sound system enables a mentor to use positive reinforcement to guide a pupel into developing and improving skills.
Indoctrination is the imparting of information and uses negative reinforcement to extinguish old behaviors and beliefs and replace them with new behaviors and information.
Positive reinforcement is when you give your sweetie a kiss or your teammate a high five. It builds social cohesion and solidifies connections between one another.
Negative reinforcement is when you yell at a loved one so they do what you want or beat someone up so they give you their money or treat you a certain way. It disolves social cohesiveness and separates people into small easily exploited groups.
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