the difference between terms like Alpha male, Beta male, Sigma Male and genders like Aligender/Agender


If Sex is purely biological, and not performative in anyway, what is meant by Alpha, Sigma and Beta Males?

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8 Answers

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It’s REALLY important that you understand what I’m about to say here. Alpha, Sigma and Beta Males are not terms from science, these are terms that internet people (like youtubers or podcasters) took from an old book (from the 30s I think) and just started using. There is no settled definition of these because they are just things that some dude made up. They are not in any proven by science. No one ran these ideas through a proper scientific reviewed paper and come out with any kind of proof that these terms or ideas mean anything at all. And in fact, when people have tried to prove these ideas, they have come up short 100% of the time. Most people would call that disproved, but lets just say they have failed to be proven.

It’s based on an idea observed in Wolf packs, but in modern science that idea has been discredited (shown to be an incorrect conclusion). Wolf and dogs kind of appear to behave that way, but don’t actually behave that way in reality. So even wolf packs are no longer seen to have an alpha male and so on.

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