the difference between terms like Alpha male, Beta male, Sigma Male and genders like Aligender/Agender


If Sex is purely biological, and not performative in anyway, what is meant by Alpha, Sigma and Beta Males?

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8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Other answers have explained the gender parts, so I’ll just chime in on the other bit.

“Alpha” and “beta” males are made up concepts that have their origin in a debunked study about wolf pack dynamics. But “alpha male” in particular really entered the mainstream vernacular after Aldous Huxley’s *Brave New World*, a dystopian novel in which humans are specifically genetically engineered to be in preset classes or castes – Alpha being the best and most powerful, beta submitting to the authority of Alphas, and so on. It was a social commentary, not a scientific or even sociological finding.

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