the difference between terms like Alpha male, Beta male, Sigma Male and genders like Aligender/Agender


If Sex is purely biological, and not performative in anyway, what is meant by Alpha, Sigma and Beta Males?

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8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Two very different concepts you’re asking about.

The “alpha/beta/sigma” male thing comes from a retracted and debunked zoological study (animal research) where a researched claimed to observe that Gray Wolf packs have a dominant male, called the Alpha, and submissive males called Betas. While this research was ultimately disproved and retracted an analogy has been made into human society that some men are more “dominant” than others, and the individuals who usually use these terms will generally accept that being dominant is better, that this is a good trait to have. This isn’t some scientific or ‘accepted’ thing, this is more “Locker Room Talk” of people describing their own personality, so similar to ideas of being ‘macho’ or ‘manly’ or ‘butch’. It’s one of those ironic circles where people who use the terms are typically using them to boost their own ego and insult others, where the reality is everyone else is looking at people who use these terms as insecure morons.

To understand Aligender/agender, first understand that some people separate “sex” from “gender”. “sex” in this case referring to either genetic or physical attributes – i.e. if you have a penis or XY chromosomes you are ‘male’. “Gender” is viewed as a psychological or social construct, it idea of “womanhood” or “manhood” being detached from your chromosomes or physical dangly bits. I’m not an expect in “Aligender/agender” terms but they generally refer to people who feel “whatever they are” is not properly described with the traditional social constructs of “male” or “female” gender.

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