The difference between Volt, Watts and Ampere.


I’ve tried looking it up on Google but it’s all way too technical (At least for my understanding, yes I’m slow).

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21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Volt is a vehicle produced by Chevrolet, Watts is a city in California and an ampere is a unit of measure of the rate of electron flow or current in an electrical conductor.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of a river. Voltage is the height difference. Current (amperage) is the amount of water flowing through the river. And the power (measured in watts), well it’s the amount of energy the water needs to flow down the river per second. More water or more height difference means more power.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Volts are the unit of the “pressure” (voltage) of electricity. Even if you don’t switch on a device, the battery provides it’s voltage. You need Volts first in order to do anything with electricity.

Applying Volts to a circuit then causes an electrical current to flow, it’s measured in Amperes.

Watts are the unit of power. Your phone charges with 5 Volts from USB, probably causing 2 Ampere to flow.

Volt x Ampere = Watt

5V x 2A = 10W

Your phone therefore charges with a power of 10 Watts.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of a river. Voltage is the height difference. Current (amperage) is the amount of water flowing through the river. And the power (measured in watts), well it’s the amount of energy the water needs to flow down the river per second. More water or more height difference means more power.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Volt is a vehicle produced by Chevrolet, Watts is a city in California and an ampere is a unit of measure of the rate of electron flow or current in an electrical conductor.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Volt is a vehicle produced by Chevrolet, Watts is a city in California and an ampere is a unit of measure of the rate of electron flow or current in an electrical conductor.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of a river. Voltage is the height difference. Current (amperage) is the amount of water flowing through the river. And the power (measured in watts), well it’s the amount of energy the water needs to flow down the river per second. More water or more height difference means more power.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Volts are the unit of the “pressure” (voltage) of electricity. Even if you don’t switch on a device, the battery provides it’s voltage. You need Volts first in order to do anything with electricity.

Applying Volts to a circuit then causes an electrical current to flow, it’s measured in Amperes.

Watts are the unit of power. Your phone charges with 5 Volts from USB, probably causing 2 Ampere to flow.

Volt x Ampere = Watt

5V x 2A = 10W

Your phone therefore charges with a power of 10 Watts.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Volts are the unit of the “pressure” (voltage) of electricity. Even if you don’t switch on a device, the battery provides it’s voltage. You need Volts first in order to do anything with electricity.

Applying Volts to a circuit then causes an electrical current to flow, it’s measured in Amperes.

Watts are the unit of power. Your phone charges with 5 Volts from USB, probably causing 2 Ampere to flow.

Volt x Ampere = Watt

5V x 2A = 10W

Your phone therefore charges with a power of 10 Watts.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If electricity is water, and that water is flowing through a pipe, then voltage is the width of the pipe and current (Amps) is the speed of the water flow (literally the current). Wattage, or power, is the overall volume of water (voltage multiplied by current).

So you could have a wide pipe (say 100V) with water flowing slowly (say 1A) through it, which would be 100W, or a much narrower pipe (12V) with water flowing so quickly through it (10A) that it actually provides more power overall (120W), all depending on the requirements of the device you’re powering.