the differences between guilt, shame, remorse, and regret.


the differences between guilt, shame, remorse, and regret.

In: 1

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Guilt – I did something wrong and feel bad about doing it.

Shame – I did something wrong and I feel bad about myself.

Remorse – I did something wrong and I’m sorry for doing it.

Regret – Something happened – maybe caused by me, but maybe not – and I wish I had done something differently.

These things can overlap, but that’s the general gist of it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Guilt – I did something wrong and feel bad about doing it.

Shame – I did something wrong and I feel bad about myself.

Remorse – I did something wrong and I’m sorry for doing it.

Regret – Something happened – maybe caused by me, but maybe not – and I wish I had done something differently.

These things can overlap, but that’s the general gist of it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Guilt – I did something wrong and feel bad about doing it.

Shame – I did something wrong and I feel bad about myself.

Remorse – I did something wrong and I’m sorry for doing it.

Regret – Something happened – maybe caused by me, but maybe not – and I wish I had done something differently.

These things can overlap, but that’s the general gist of it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Guilt is knowing you F’d up.

Shame is knowing that other people believe, or at least they perceive, that you F’d up (you can personally believe you didn’t).

Remorse is wanting to make whatever you F’d up, right again.

Regret is when you can’t make what you F’d up, right – no matter how much you want to.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Guilt is knowing you F’d up.

Shame is knowing that other people believe, or at least they perceive, that you F’d up (you can personally believe you didn’t).

Remorse is wanting to make whatever you F’d up, right again.

Regret is when you can’t make what you F’d up, right – no matter how much you want to.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Guilt is knowing you F’d up.

Shame is knowing that other people believe, or at least they perceive, that you F’d up (you can personally believe you didn’t).

Remorse is wanting to make whatever you F’d up, right again.

Regret is when you can’t make what you F’d up, right – no matter how much you want to.