the mechanics of drinking yourself to death


You hear this sometimes “oh Jimmy? Yeah he drank himself to death after his wife died” But this actually possible? Does the body reach a point where it can’t process alcohol at a certain point?

In: 298

30 Answers

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Alcohol can kill you in multiple ways. In the short term (I.e a binge):
– aspiration. Get drunk, vomit, aspirate and drown. Often involves other drugs
– do something stupid while drunk. Car accident, jump off a building, burn your house down, shoot yourself, etc..

Dying from chronic alcoholism (years and years)
– cirrhosis. Liver scars up and stops working, which causes a lot of issues including vomiting blood, ascites, nervous system issues, but this is usually a slower process. Also puts you at risk for acute liver failure from something like a tylenol over dose
– withdrawal seizures, can aspirate and die from these
– malnutrition. Most chronic alcoholics replace most other things they consume with alcohol, so they have serious vitamin deficiencies that exacerbate a lot of issues.
– congestive heart failure, suicide, not taking care of other health issues, etc…

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