The process of cultivating bonsai trees results in a reduction of cells being developed which then results in miniaturization of leaves and branches. Would it theoretically be possible to apply a similar process to animals or humans to make truly miniature doll-sized creatures?


The process of cultivating bonsai trees results in a reduction of cells being developed which then results in miniaturization of leaves and branches. Would it theoretically be possible to apply a similar process to animals or humans to make truly miniature doll-sized creatures?

In: 7

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bonsai trees constantly have their roots and branches trimmed. Without this they would grow like normal trees

Anonymous 0 Comments

Animals and plants don’t grow the same way – trimming the limbs of a baby and trimming the limbs of a tree don’t have the same end results unfortunately.

What you can do if you really want miniature animals, is to breed them selectively for size like [miniature horses]( – take the 2 smallest animals you can find and make them have a baby, rinse and repeat for a few hundred years until they’re all tiny!

Or, if you want to go hands off, you can take advantage of [“Insular Dwarfism”]( AKA “Island Dwarfism.” When animals get stranded on a smaller body of land than they’re used to, over time, provided they survive long enough to breed anyway, they’ll get smaller and smaller… [except when they don’t](

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are ancient Chinese stories of raising children in clay pots with only their heads out. Feeding them on honey and water or some such to make dwarves for court entertainment. Bound lotus feet existed where the feet just weren’t allowed to grow so it probably isn’t that far fetched.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Miniature pigs often aren’t a breed that is actually mini. They just starve then in their young developmental years to stunt their growth. So maybe not actual trimming if limbs but caloric restriction that prevents normal development into adulthood is definitely a thing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Why do you want this…?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Essentially you are starving the tree of sufficient nutrients. Bonsai are normal trees manipulated into miniature versions of themselves. If planted in the ground, they would grow into a full sized normal tree.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Why you asking

You ok? Should we be worried?

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve seen it done to turtles thru neglect and starvation. The animal lives and is tiny, but it’s organs are internally harmed by its stunted growth.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Have you seen foot binding? I would say that is as an example of human bonsai, as well as some other body modifications around the world. Foot binding is just what comes to mind for force miniaturizing a human.

However it would not be possible to miniaturize animals & people the same way that you can miniaturize a tree or plant.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The question is, “Can we reduce cells to humans” to make them truly minature and doll-sized.


You can artificially remove the growth hormone in children so that they grow up to be guaranteed Dwarfs (I’m not using the offensive term)

If you’ve seen one in person, they are indeed, doll-sized