the process of natural selection


the process of natural selection

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12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine there is a forest that’s all green. There are bugs in this forest of all kinds of colors, and birds that eat the bugs, picking them out from the green background.

The greener a bug is, the less likely a bird will eat it. These bugs will lay eggs for the next generation of bugs, which will be more likely to be green for the genes that made the original bugs green as well.

Over many years, the forest becomes full of green bugs that the birds have difficulty spotting. Bugs of other colors die out in the forest (because they are eaten to extinction).

We now generalize this idea to prey that are fast or protected enough to avoid being eaten, predators that are strong or fast enough to still eat prey, ETC.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine there is a forest that’s all green. There are bugs in this forest of all kinds of colors, and birds that eat the bugs, picking them out from the green background.

The greener a bug is, the less likely a bird will eat it. These bugs will lay eggs for the next generation of bugs, which will be more likely to be green for the genes that made the original bugs green as well.

Over many years, the forest becomes full of green bugs that the birds have difficulty spotting. Bugs of other colors die out in the forest (because they are eaten to extinction).

We now generalize this idea to prey that are fast or protected enough to avoid being eaten, predators that are strong or fast enough to still eat prey, ETC.