the process that drives a typical spider


There was a giant spider in a tree behind my house that never seemed to move. For a month I would greet him, Jeff, whenever I left or returned home. Since Jeff never seemed to move, I got to thinkin’. How do spiders work? Do they realize they are spiders and go straight to building a web to chill on, or is that only a response to hunger? After they build a web, what happens if they don’t catch anything? Do they abandon the web to find better real estate, or do they just sit there until they catch something or get caught; or starve to death?

In: 1127

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some spiders, when the molt, will leave the empty exoskeleton in plain sight in the web to fool predators while the spider hides at the edge of the web out of sight. Maybe the reason Jeff hasn’t moved is that he is a decoy for the real Jeff.

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