The pump at like every station that has diesel says “diesel no. 2.” What is Diesel #2, and is there a Diesel #1 (or #3)?


The pump at like every station that has diesel says “diesel no. 2.” What is Diesel #2, and is there a Diesel #1 (or #3)?

In: 646

16 Answers

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Don’t get lost in all the other engines that run on diesel. Commercial trucks and passenger vehicles that have diesel engines use the same fuel. Diesel has paraffin in it. When it gets cold that paraffin starts coming out of solution and forms clumps. The colder it gets the more clumps until your fuel tank looks like jelly. Fuel providers in cold climate automatically switch when winter comes. The only time you need worry is if you top off your tank in Los Vegas and head to Colorado to go skiing. You will likely have warm weather blend fuel in your tank and would have trouble with it gelling up when you hit cold weather. Any place that sells diesel will also sell additives that you pour in your tank while fueling. For that very reason. The additives prevent gelling.

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