the scientific method


I’m acquainted with the scientific method myself, but when I try to explain it to science deniers I always fall short of capturing what makes it such a universal and thorough method. Any help?

In: 6

39 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I find the biggest confusion science deniers have is the word “theory”.

They have heard someone using it colloquially and assume that’s what scientists mean when they say the Theory of something. That it is just a best guess and that one day it will become fact.

But that’s not what Theory is in science. Theory is the final and most proven step an idea can be. You go to school to learn Theory. The Theory is what is universally accepted to be more true than anything else. To become theory, an idea needs to be tested, retested and scrutinized. It isn’t one person’s thoughts. It is collective agreement of all scientific humankind.

Theory *can* change. But it isn’t a guess. If someone says, “It’s just a theory”, they may as well be saying, “It’s just the most proven and accepted thing we know.”.

No gravity isn’t “just a theory”. Neither is evolution or relativity.

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