The soul of a BIOS chip??


Ok this may sound absurd or weird (or both lol) but I’ve been curious for quite a while now about what powers a BIOS chip? I get it, it must be some sort of code or programming but how exactly does a BIOS chip come to life (which then powers a PC / laptop, for example)? Like is there some sort of a master device or a piece of code that you just insert into a piece of metal & plastic?

P.s.: I’m REALLY hoping someone actually reads & replies. Thanks in advance guys!

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Electricity and logic gates, repeat as necessary.

Electricity flows through conductive material. If you’re clever about what that material is and how it’s arranged, you can make it do certain things like go down path A or path B in certain circumstances. This is called a *logic gate*. Pile up a whole bunch of those in particular orders and you can make the electricity do increasingly sophisticated things. After a certain point it’s sophisticated enough to function as a computer.

There’s actually a game available on Steam called “Turing Complete” that’s a really great way to understand this. It starts you out with a single simple logic gate and builds in complexity step by step until you’ve built a functional computer.

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