the strongest magnet in the world boasts 900 times the earths magnetism, so why wouldn’t a compass point towards those superior magnets?


Also does anyone know how those ultra strong magnets are affecting our planet if at all?

Edit: sorry the [link](’s%20most%20powerful%20magnet%20is%2044.14%20Teslas.&text=This%20super%20magnet%20has%20a,we%20find%20in%20a%20hospital) says 900,000 times the earths magnetism

Edit 2: Thank you wonderful people for clearing that up. Your minor support did more for my mental health than you realize not just for the knowledge but also the general support from the community. Y’all are amazing.

In: 2748

41 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Magnetic fields strength are usually measured in gauss, they are now usually measured in microteslas, but i am entirerly unfamiliar with those numbers, so gauss it will be. Anyway, earths magnetism averages out at around 0.6ish gauss, i believe it varies from .3 to .7, but dont quote me on that, humans also measure on this scale, going from 0.000000001 to 0.0001, which means the earths gravity is 6000 times our own at its most powerful, but considering these numbers are from the late 70s, 1979, im pretty sure we could do more accurate readings today, cause thats a fuc huge variation.
So, we agreed upon that the earths gravity is .6 gauss, well a common household magnett is 100 gauss, an MRI scanner goes up to 70 000 gauss, and the most powerful magnetic field ever produced on earth is at 450 000 gauss, so a magnet that is 600 times more powerful then the earths magnetic field would be a paltry 360 gauss.
So lets say you get a grade N42 neodymium magnet in your hand, it can have a gauss betweek 13-15k, so why is this fist sized magnet not as powerful as the earth, well, its simple, its size, the earths iron core got an estimated volume of 7 600 000 000 000 000 square kilometers, or 7.6 billion sqkm, well the volume of a N42 magnet at has a volume of 1.57 square cm, and there are 10 000 000 000 square cm in a square km, that is 10 billion sq cm in a sq km.
To add some more pointless perspective a magnetar, the most magnetically powerful objects in the universe goes in at 10E15, or 10 quadrillion gauss, but even with that strength, that magnetar is 9000 light year away.
So while there are certain things on earth that can produce magnetic fields powerful enough to affect compasses, most of them are focused into a location, such as an MRI is focused mostly to the MRI room.

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