Also does anyone know how those ultra strong magnets are affecting our planet if at all?
Edit: sorry the [link](’s%20most%20powerful%20magnet%20is%2044.14%20Teslas.&text=This%20super%20magnet%20has%20a,we%20find%20in%20a%20hospital) says 900,000 times the earths magnetism
Edit 2: Thank you wonderful people for clearing that up. Your minor support did more for my mental health than you realize not just for the knowledge but also the general support from the community. Y’all are amazing.
In: 2748
It’s because the claim is a lie. This magnet is not 900,000 times more powerful than Earth’s magnet is. Earth’s magnet is MUCH stronger. But Earth’s magnet is also MUCH further away from you – it’s the core.
What they *can* claim is not that this magnet is 900,000 times stronger than Earth’s magnet, but that if you keep this artificial magnet right next to you while you are located 6.371 million meters away from Earth’s magnet, that great distance from Earth’s magnet drops its effect enough to being only 1/900,000th as much as this artificial magnet is *right next to you*.
Magnetic force drops with distance, and it’s not the whole Earth that’s magnetic, it’s just the core. And way the heck out here on the surface of the crust, you are quite far from that core.
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