The term Model Minority and what it has to do with Asians (Specifically Asian-Americans)


I’m hearing different definitions of it but I never had a clear explanation. Thanks.

Edit: I forgot to mention that some Asian people and Asian activists have a problem with this. Yesterday, I found out that “**RE** model Minority” is a thing now.

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

in the simpleest terms, the “model minority” is the way that westerners use to compare a minority race, which is usually Asian, to other minority races. the most prominent example of this is the stereotypical work ethic of many asians, usually being efficient and high functioning, and comparing that to the work ethic of other races, which can be stereotypically seen as “lazy,” or “minimal”

basically, the “majority race” wants “minority races” to follow the example of the “model minority” so thay they can all be efficient, hard workers and do the laborious, manual work.

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