the Thymus, and the organs it functions with


I looked up some scholarly information and the thymus because I was curious.

Then, I found “The thymus prevents autoimmune diseases through mechanisms that operate in the cortex and medulla, comprising positive and negative selection and the generation of regulatory T-cells (Tregs).”

Please explain. This organ is above the heart and does some kind of immune system regulation via the brain?? T-cells are created in the brain? Please please please ELI5. I want to understand.

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Your immune system has many different types of cells which perform different jobs. Some respond to specific antigens, which are like fingerprints on outside cells. One of these cells is known as a T cell.

This cell starts its life in the bone barrier, before it travels to the thymus to nature into one of four types of t cell.

The cells then leave the thymus and travel through the lymph system.